Thursday, July 29, 2010

Before Hindsight

In a chincy romance chick flick I gained a new understanding of something I took for granted: A mother-like figure brushing the hair of a young woman who had lost her mother as a child. The actress of this young woman captured the look of peace and fulfillment with each stroke.

This morning, as I retrieved a slippery two year old from the tub, dressed her, and began brushing her hair, I thought of that moment. My two year old began to squirm and so as to distract her I began singing, "I Am Like a Star Shining Brightly." After finishing and still brushing her hair, I asked her if she would like to sing the song with me. She emphatically nodded in a very two-year old like manner and then we began singing together. Just her and I with each stroke of the brush. She singing the words as best she could and I doing my best to stay along with her. A very "mothering" moment that perhaps I might not have noticed before.

And then I thought of Catie. Every time I get frustrated with the children. Every time I take something lightly or think a trial is too hard, I think of her. She is my Mothering Light through the hazy mist of Mundane and Just Getting Through the Day. She is who I think of when I sometimes want to be elsewhere. She is who I think of when I lack the vision of beauty in "refereeing."

She is who I thought of during this simple act of brushing a two year old's hair while singing a song.

I'd like to think that without Catie's example I might have recognized how Grandiose the moment was. How Fortunate I was to be Present as a Mother. But I'm just not sure. Sometimes gratitude comes with hindsight.

At the end of a long day of refereeing and the "give it to me's," it is this moment, and the realization that came with it, that I hope to think of.

Thank you, Catie, for helping me see the magnitude of brushing my little girl's hair - long before hindsight.


The Sammons Family said...

What a beautiful tribute to Catie. Thanks for sharing this sweet experience of your special mommy moment with your little one. Catie has taught me to "be present" with my girls and to cherish every moment. SOme days are harder than others, but i am blessed to be a mom and i am blessed to be here raising my children. I love you!

gleehorse said...

Thanks for sharing and making me think!